I can't believe we've not only gotten snow twice in the one year, but proper, sticks to the ground, lasts more than a day, omg it's properly freezing out snow. January (and the end of December) felt like a fluke. You know that once in however many decades, I-remember-when-I-was-young kind of cold. My Granny had even said that the last time she remembered cold that bad was back in the early 60s around the time one of my uncles was born. And yet here we are with the same weather in the same year only with more snow. It's largely thawed out by now (although it took it's time) but by the looks of the long range forecast we're in for more.
These were taken Wednesday afternoon (1 December). This is already a pretty decent amount of snow for Dublin. (click pictures to embiggen)
And then we got a lot more snow. Not just Wednesday afternoon but it didn't stop snowing on Thursday. As in foot prints don't reach the ground and you can't make out where the path or road begin. (That bit that looks a bit like the path is actually a small wall that the fence comes out of.)
I think the back garden pics give a better perspective on how deep the snow was.
I know for a lot of people this doesn't look like much snow but for Ireland it is. We can handle a lot of wind and rain but we're not a climate of extremes so when we get any kind of extreme it's a big deal. Looking at the current
weather warning and
long range forecast we've definitely got more on the way.